Grape Seed Oil-120 Softgels 500mg

Health Benefits
  • Grape Seed Oil helps to keep the heart healthy by lowering cholesterol and elevating "good" cholesterol, keeping vital arteries free of plaque.
  • Grape Seed Oil may help shrink some of the swelling from non-cancerous breast cysts.
  • Grape Seed Oil may shrink varicose veins and improve the skin colour and skin texture of people who suffer from circulatory problems in two ways: it acts as a catalyst for Vitamin C, which promotes softer, smoother skin and it increases the flow of nutrient-rich blood to all areas of the body, including the extremities.
  • Grape Seed Oil may prevent arthritis because it maintains healthy collagen which is the fibrous part of connective joint tissue. When arthritis strikes, collagen wears away, causing aches and pains that affect milions of North Americans. If you already suffer from arthritis, the chemical compounds in grape seed extracts reduce the inflammation that cause pain. Some patients even get relief overnight, researchers report.
  • Grape Seed Oil may improve eyesight, by causing the small blood vessels in the eyes to function more efficiently.
  • Grape Seed Oil may bring relief to millions of allergy sufferers because they help to block the release of enzymes that produce histamines, natural substances in the body that trigger allergic reactions.
  • Grape Seed Oil may help to prevent strokes, heart attacks, allergies, varicose veins, arthritis, hemorrhoids, night blindness, declining brain function, cancer, diabetes and hardening of the arteries.

    What is grape seed oil?
Grape seed oil and extracts are very new discoveries and we now know they can really stop cell damage and help disease-proof the body. Thanks to the scientists who discovered the fountain of youth!
These small seeds have the power to keep us healthier longer and the latest research shows that grape seed oil is an antioxidant and is 50 times more effective than Vitamin E and 20 times more powerful then Vitamin C, destroying free radicals, those bad molecules that roam the body and leave us defenseless against the disease of aging.

Recommended Dosage Capsules:


4 capsules daily, two in the morning, and two in the evening on an empty stomach. They are more potent than others on the market (ours are 500mg, others 50-100mg), so beneficial results are more evident.

"In a period of four months after I started taking this grape seed oil, my cholesterol fell from 355 (referring to the lab reports) to 198. My triglycerides fell from 277 to 110 and my LDL dropped from 155 to 123."

Dr. Jackie Hutyera

"I have suffered from arthritis for 25 years and have tried all sorts of medication without success. I took Joseph's oil every morning and noticed improvement after 2 weeks. I am now pain free and can walk."
Ben Custodio

"No pain of stiffness in fingers or knees for the first time in four years. Waking up every morning and being able to bend all fingers is a real pleasure."
Shirley Pellegrin
"I started to take Grape Seed Oil, and almost immediately found relief from inflammation, stiffness and pain. My fingers became supple, relaxed, almost "Normal". Therefore, I consider Dr. Joseph's Natural Grape Seed Oil best available treatment for my arthritic fingers."
Elizabeth Zabek

"We bought your Grape Seed Oil, and i absolutely cannot live without it. It has made such difference in my arthritis, and other things I'm sure!"
Deanna Ahern

"I have severe arthritis, borderline Type 2 diabetes, both which have improved along with my memory. High blood pressure and cholesterol have dropped."
Kay Demchak

"It has taken blackness out of my large varicose veins."
N. Przbyl

"After taking the oil, I saw a dramatic decrease in my blood pressure."
Mrs. I. Mazewshi

"I used to have a bad back but after taking Dr. Joseph's grape seed oil, I don't have a bad back. My chiropractor wants to know what I'm doing. What happened? I take grape seed oil as directed."
Jan Hurley

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